Monday, June 8, 2009

Bard's Books -- even more lit events!

If you are already sick of summer 'television'....
If you love bookstores...
If you like to save money, meet people with working brains, see a business engage in community outreach, or enjoy a comfortable seat while you pore over your potential purchases...
You have to visit Bard's Books!
and if you enjoy listening to the poetry of the ages read by local vocal artists, you have to visit Bard's Books twice this month!
Sven and Leeann Rosckowff and Gary Bowers have designed a two-night event called "Let us now praise Great Poets." Several Sonoran Bard readers will offer selections from the poets they admire most. The names being tossed around include Thomas Hardy, Gregory Corso, Leonard Cohen, Alan Ginsberg, Algernon Swinburne, e.e. cummings, and Billy Collins, and the list is growing. There is so much joy to be found in hearing these writers out loud -- don't deny yourself this pleasure.
So much excitement has built up around this event that one Friday night wasn't enough: we're going to read on June 19th and June 26th. Check Bard's Books website (link at left) for location and time, and peek at the event calendar for all the other great community activities this very exciting store offers.

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