Saturday, September 8, 2007

Only one class!

The class in Poetry: First Books will not take place. I don't know if that is due to a lack of teachers or students. It's a shame -- that was to be my weekly workshop. I do still have 'Sit Down and Write' to look forward to, and it begins on Monday. SD&W is a 'WebCT' class -- it never meets in person, so it's an odd kind of workshop. 'Workshop' is entirely the wrong word for it, in fact. The class is designed to ingrain the habit of writing into the writer. I've known more than a few people (some of whom claim to have a blog but almost never post!, she said with irony,) with intentions of writing. Intentions, it's been said, lead to all the worst places. The course requires 450 words a day, five days a week, for five weeks. If you produce properly, you'll have 9000 words at the end, which might be a decent essay or the start of a good short story.
I planned to write poetry, and the instructor indicated that she wouldn't mind that at all; but the layout of the class makes me think I might work towards an essay about why I've never gotten over the love of poetry and how at the edge of 50 I'm decidedly glad I didn't. My essays don't usually run 9000 words, but maybe I can fill in with the sonnet sequence. Well, we'll see.

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