Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sit Down and Write -- or not

Okay, so I dragged my feet and didn't get into this class for summer. PC is offering it again in the fall, with Jimmy Berlin as instructor. Since I want to use the time to write sonnets -- off-beat, somewhat violent sonnets -- it might be just as well to wait until fall. I know Jimmy will enjoy the project.

I blame my foot-dragging on the heat. Everyone I know, everyone in my life, and that includes me, everyone is griping. Full bore hard core griping. It wears me down. Even writing here, in a peaceful, non-judgmental bluemoon world, I hear the gripe choruses in my mind. I've got to get away.

By the way, this is the day/night of a Blue Moon; the second full moon in a month. I really feel like I should find some way to recognize such an unusual event, but that bank may be empty. We'll see after work.